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What is the effect of wearing cycling gloves

2020-09-24 16:26:57

Cycling gloves are cyclists' gloves. There are half-finger and full-fingers. The palms are thickened. The high-end cycling gloves are padded with a silicone layer. They are mainly used to reduce injuries and prevent hands from being scratched when a car crashes.

Riding gloves are divided into two types, half-finger and full-finger. When purchasing, try to choose the one with firm stitching and thick palm. Some gloves also have a towel material on the thumb to facilitate the rider's sweat.

The role of wearing riding gloves:

Absorb sweat, non-slip, breathable, protect palm and wrist joints. Sweat absorption, breathability and slip resistance complement each other. When the bicycle is in a high-speed motion state, the rider's control effect on the bicycle largely depends on the effort. The exquisite workmanship of riding gloves has made great efforts to prevent slip resistance. Air permeability depends on the material and size of the glove. The protection of the palm is mainly reflected in the rollover. The rider often touches the ground with the palm first to make the body slowly land. If there is no glove to absorb the shock, this action will easily cause the palm to be worn and seriously damage the joints.

The reason why riding gloves are silent dedication is mainly because there are not many friends who realize that gloves protect wrist joints. In fact, because the rider adopts a different sitting posture and grip style than a leisure bike, this puts the wrist joint in an abnormal state of tension for a long time, and its negative impact on the meridians and tendons is even lifelong. The function of riding gloves is to reduce the pressure on the wrist joints to the limit. Compare it with ordinary gloves when the back is laid down. You will find that its front is not flat but upturned, which is exactly the same as the grip of the rider. The posture is consistent.



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